Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Made it, now, who's got the camera?

This morning I awoke from my corpse-like sleep by the slamming of our french-style window against its seam.  With the 5 other girls in the apartment-style, sans kitchen, hostel room; I take advantage of the view from the 4th floor window that has both the Notre Dame and le Tour Eiffel in the distance.  Do not be fooled, the room isn't as glamorous as the view.  Yesterday, I went a full 35 hours without sleep, a personal best on my sleep deprivation scale where I would be perfectly comfortable falling asleep even without the g&t (finally legal) I had from our first night in Paris. 
All of yesterday and today could be summed up as a glorified walking tour of Paris as we haven't actually done anything substantial except for walk around and take pictures like the tourists we pretend not to be.  We did get a quick tour of Hôtel de Ville, which houses offices for the mayor and many other representatives of Paris and the larger France.  The building is beautiful, as expected, but the what most people dont know about it is that there are 5 metro lines that travel directly underneath the building, so every couple of minutes the rooms are consumed by a muffled humming and gentle vibration, that varies based on how deep the line runs, from the trains passing underneath. 
And then, I took a nap.  At 4.  Because I just felt that I earned it.


  1. wait, what's finally legal?

    eww, i wouldn't want to work somewhere that rumbled that often.

    i think you earned a nap too.

    my jealousy abounds

  2. Eh oui, tu l'as bien méritée ta sieste! Sur quelle station de métro est situé ton appart? Cinq lignes?
    Il y en a peu avec cinq lignes...Châtelet?

    En tout cas (entéka, argot québécois), je te souhaite un merveilleux séjour en France...je te suivrai par l'intermédiaire de ton blog de temps en temps. Prends bien soin de toi!

  3. YEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS NAPPING! I hope you faire la grasse matinee tout le temp.

  4. Sarah,
    je ferai la grasse matinee, mais pas demain! il faut partir très tôt pour arriver à Rennes à l'heure.

    beh, Hôtel de Ville se situe au dessus de quelques lignes de metro, mais c'est la station la plus proche car on est tout près de la rue Rivoli.

    MDR. Mort de rire.
    Dying of laughter. Or actually, i've already died.
