Sunday, August 22, 2010

Airports all look the same

But not all airports are created equal.  There are a few redeeming qualities of the Salt Lake International airport: free wifi that doesn't have a countdown in the corner of my window, the big windows let me see the Wasatch front and the sun peaking over the top of the range at this unreasonable hour which is made bearable by the nonexistant security lines and my free luggage feat (exactly 50 pounds after removing 3).
The first leg of my flight connects me to the beloved Minneapolis/St. Paul airport, then Amsterdam, and finally Charles de Gaulle.  Judging by the first hour, it's going to be an uneventful journey.  Hopefully the airline will throw some major delays my way or lose my luggage to make things a little more interesting. (knock on wood that they don't, please). 
Next post will be from Paris.  Maybe.


  1. OMD!!! Bonne chance Elle et bon voyage! à très bientôt donc dans notre chère France! bisous!

  2. Chica, j'ai fait des links sur mon blog --- ton link s'appelle "Le singe est sur la branche." Je l'aime, je t'aime, et tu me manques beaucoup!! Bonne chance!!

    PS: Les links de Molly et de Maddi s'appellent "Heeey AF-ri-ca" et "Life as a Leprechaun"
