Sunday, November 14, 2010

And it goes by the name of London

I find myself no longer talking about France on this blog but of my travels outside Rennes.  And that is exactly what this entry is too!  Maria, Erika, Lauren and I spent 4 non-stop, no-sleep days in the UK capitol.  But the first thing that should be cleared up about Londoners is that they are the COOLEST big city people.  Everywhere we went people would give us direction, give us advice, make our lives easier...even the bus drivers would stop the ENTIRE bus to let us take pictures (London is full of double deckers so they do cause a problem site-seeing wise).  Basically awesome people, period. 
On the other hand, the weather was bipolar the entire trip and couldnt decide whether or not it wanted to rain or pour or just be windy to piss everyone off.  This weather did nothing to deter us from our mission. Harry Potter.  We got to our hostel on Wednesday night at 11, slept as best we could in a 16 person mixed room, and got up at 2:00 to walk to Leicester Square where the premier would be.  And so the waiting began.  And then the rain.  We took turns coming in and out of neighboring telephone booths and taking food breaks at the McDonalds around the corner.  I have never been so thankful of the golden arches in my entire life.  So after 8 hours of waiting outside, we all got herded inside the premier gates.  After another 8 hours of standing and being rained on and pushed from all sides, the premier opened.  You know how premiers look on tv when you are watching them from the comfort of your own home?  And you think, "Those people are certifiable."? That was us. And we are proud of it.  After pictures and attempted autographs, all of the stars filed into the cinema and we left to get some substantial food in our stomachs.  Aside from gummies, trail mix, and madeleines, we hadnt eaten since 5 that morning.  Long fucking day, but totally worth it (even though it didnt seem like it at the time).
Friday, we got up and made out way to Abbey road.  We got lost after mixing up directions on our map and caved in to take a cab.  Taking a cab in london is almost cheaper than taking the underground; plus, they are all decorated on the outside to stand out from the rest of the traffic. After posing on Abbey road (with the perfect number for a reconstruction of the album cover) we walked to Camden market and weaved through the hundreds and hundreds of shops in the area.  Next destination was Kings Cross.  We found a sign indicating platforms 8, 9, and 10 that were behind a security checkpoint.  Luckily, the station has adapted well to the tourists and has built a fake wall labeled "Platform 9 3/4" with a half a trolly sticking out of the brick.
Finally, Saturday we took the mandatory walk on Parliament street to peek at the Prime Ministers digs and see the real sites of London: Big Ben, the Eye of London, the Thames, Westminster Abbey, Westminster Cathedral, and Buckingham Palace.  Things happened in between but they are rather boring bits about walking and staying up all night so I think I will skip over that!

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