To those who felt cheated by that last entry, I apologize. But at the same time, it is my blog and I will do with it as I please!! It's probably the reason why I will have the outline of 15 different stories and never fully finish anything. I get bored with it and then I have no desire to finish. I get distracted. It's the disease of my entire generation; we seek instant gratification. This kind of satisfaction is easily achieved with a language like English. The big difference between French and English is this: English loves implicit logic whereas French is very literal and direct. Our first translation teacher summed it up as this in his posh British accent, "English is a dense language. French is long, flowery, and direct." His example was that this: "I'm locked out of the car." To say this in French, you have to describe how your car is locked, how you are still outside the car, and how the keys are inside the car. Nothing exists for "locked out."
I never had a great appreciation for the English language. I speak it, I write it, and I understand it (in 90% of cases including ESLs and Scots.) Therefore, I found nothing really special about English. Until I got to France and I had to recite the epic tale of me being locked out of my house to my host mom.
There is no translation for "Awkward" in the French language. Maybe the French have always been smooth and such situations that can only be described as awkward have never come to pass. Similarly, there is no translation of "creeper," the French-English dictionary only references - plants (in jungle). That certainly needs to be sorted out on the French urban dictionary.
Last, but not least, is everyones favorite curse word. Dropping the F-Bomb is rarely ever as satisfying as it is after being restricted by French peculiarities. It is the King of Curses for the simplicity of its pronunciation and the versitility of its meaning. It is a noun, verb, adjective, and adverb; and is useful for many English speakers prone to using hyperbole. There is no word in the French language quite like Fuck.
Was that a better fucking ending? bisous bisous
Fuck Yes! :D Looooove yoooouuuuuuu!!
ReplyDeleteI have also discovered that there is no word for awkward in Spanish. It is interesting how much we use it in English.